Let's try this again from the top

Please post here for issues related to Blu-ray discs
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Let's try this again from the top

Post by justtrife » Fri May 24, 2024 10:15 pm

so i made this post here, admittedly it's been a while since i've used a traditional forum (around 2004 or so) so i had pasted some images but didn't realize i only did image links and they were not displaying correctly causing people who wanted to help me to have to go through a process just to see the images (i had used imgbb and just didn't make the mental link to ensure it was working), unfortunately when i post/reply/edit that/any post i have to wait for a moderator to approve before it can be seen, so i get this message

so i do apologize to anyone who was trying to assist me on the original post and pointed out that they couldn't see the images and why i would go through the work of crafting that post and not make sure the images could be viewed properly (again, i could not see the post in its entirety until it was approved, that said i probably could have just previewed it, but again, apologies for my ignorance)

so i have a non-encrypted blu-ray disc that was authored (menus, scenes, etc) of my sons football season, and i'm just trying to rip to mkv format for my jellyfin server as well as to burn copies of said file as the original blu-ray is a dual layer disc (power2go made a 40gb iso & copying the files to the hdd yielded a 39.88gb folder) and i have standard 25gb blu-ray blanks.

now the mkv conversion process i was actually able to get done by copying the m2ts files from the disc to my hdd then using unifab to create a merged mkv of said files. For all intents and purposes, from what i can see, MakeMKV makes this process a breeze and i would actually like to make it my MAIN process for ripping any future blu-ray discs (encrypted or not), granted i do plan on purchasing a lifetime makemkv license, i wanted to get this process down pat before i plunk down any cash.

what follows will be a series of screenshots that show every step in the process i took, any info not provided initially will be given gladly as the ask.











i have my fingers & toes crossed that i did it correctly this time and that everything displays correctly, if not i won't be making another post, i'll just do my best to fix this one, but with the way the editing it setup for me (with me needing the moderator to ok it first) i felt like this would be the most succinct way to ensure that it's posted correctly but that the images also show correctly. if i need to have the other post deleted, that's fine as well as i did preview the post this time (i learned my lesson) and it LOOKS correct. any pertinent info from that post can be copied to this one so i'm not against having it deleted if it needs to be.

thank you in advance for your consideration

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Re: Let's try this again from the top

Post by dcoke22 » Sun May 26, 2024 1:31 pm

What is your question or what problem do you actually have?

It looks like the optical drive had difficulty correctly reading the disc but you used other tools to get a result you're happy with, right?

I'm still curious what happens if you use MakeMKV to make a backup of the disc instead of trying to make .mkv files.

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Re: Let's try this again from the top

Post by justtrife » Mon May 27, 2024 8:58 pm

I was wondering if anybody had ran into a similar issue and what they did to fix it as there are a lot of variables, did I miss a setting, is it the disc, could this possibly be a disc drive error, and your right, I was able to get the results I wanted with other tools, I wanted to use makemkv to simply the process instead of switching between different tools to achieve the same outcome as 1 tool, maybe I just need to streamline my process instead of trying to find a way over the brick wall I'm currently facing, I put images in the post above that shows what happens when I tried to use makemkv to extract the files to hdd than create a mkv (encountered errors in this process as well), even tried making a mkv from the files on the hdd and encountered errors there as well (this after copying the files by hand and then verifying each file)

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Re: Let's try this again from the top

Post by GnomeFondler » Wed May 29, 2024 10:57 pm

The disk has no protection so you don't need MakeMKV for it, and there's no official standard for a 4k writable movie disk which is what this is since you can't get a UHD stamped in the normal movie format without being an AACS member, whoever this is just burned a bunch of them. It's highly likely that the person filming had no idea what they were doing and created something that's not compatible with actual 4k players.

$100 per is enough cost for one disk that I'd say it goes beyond charging a reasonable fee for copies into full productization, and unless you signed a model release for your kid I'd just demand as many copies as you want at cost or you're taking them to court over the model release thing (which will turn out even more poorly for them since it's a kid). Who was even filming this?

Edit: If they refuse the cheap / free copies, sue for treble damage royalties for the "model" as you're pretty much automatically allowed to do and would automatically win unless you signed something. Your son almost certainly isn't legally old enough to have signed anything valid themselves.

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