Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

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Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

Post by gmacdonald »

After about 20 minutes of processing fine, I receive these errors when tryping to rip my new copy of Dune 2

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk4' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk4' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk4' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk4' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk4' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '20408365056'
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk4' at offset '20408365056'

Drive Information
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE BU40N
Revision: 1.03
Serial number: MO5M2QK3355
Firmware date: 2118-10-24 19:34
Bus encryption flags: 17
Highest AACS version: 77

LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 1.03
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes

No disc inserted
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Re: Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

Post by Woodstock »

Typical issue with reading the disk. The drive spends too much time trying to decode a section, the operating system thinks it's died, and complains about it.

If the offset stays the same between runs, it's likely an actual problem with the disk, in which case cleaning may help.

If it varies around that spot, it is possible the drive "ran out of power" and stopped, which can happen on USB-powered devices when they start reading faster than they have power for. That can mean needing to provide more power to the device (a dual-plug cable plugged into fully-powered plugs), or slowing the read down to keep it below the critical power spot.
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Re: Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

Post by gmacdonald »

Hi Woodstock.

thanks for the tips I have tried cleaning it with alcohol .. I do have a USB C powered Drive .. I have tried using the USB C connected to my 20 watt powred docking station and directly to my macbook. I used the dual usb a plugs also and the error happens .. I will try and figure out how to slow down the read speed.
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Re: Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

Post by migelius »

Any luck ripping the disk? I tried to rip one using my LG drive and it was failing, so I pulled a trigger and bought a Pioneer from Billy. Tried to rip it on a Pioneer and it failed at the same timecode. Figured the disk could be defective, so I returned it to Gruv and got the replacement. Just tried to rip it and it failed at the same spot. So, looks like the entire batch is defective.
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Re: Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

Post by discs »

I was having a great deal of difficulty getting this disc to back up (no issues with any other 4K discs so far). My LG slim drive made all sorts of weird noises, and would give the SCSI error about 30-50% of the way through. I tried the registry modification to limit the speed of the drive, but that didn't help.

In the end I moved the drive to another (much older) computer I had available and it worked perfectly. No idea why, perhaps it's a USB port power thing?
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Re: Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

Post by taylorwmj »

I've had very similar issues to this too with 4K media (and some normal BD as well) that will only resolve by moving my external drive (separate power supply) to another computer. In my case, I actually keep an old MacBook Pro around running an old version of MMKV for this exact reason. If I get a failure multiple times (usually try 2-3 times cleaning disc between each attempt) on my Linux machine, 9 times out of 10 I won't have any issues and the Mac can power through it or will sit there and take the read speed down to next to nothing and get through the issue before returning to normal speed
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Re: Dune 2 4K UHD Errors out During Ripping

Post by medtech1 »

Just a note, I tried Dune 1, same drive as you BU40 with FW 1.03 and it fails after about 10 minutes. It is internal to my laptop, so directly powered by the laptop.

It is a brand new dvd, no scratches or marks as well.
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