Running second and third instances of MakeMKV

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Running second and third instances of MakeMKV

Post by Strouty »

When I run multiple instances of the program, I am a bit concerned with how the software acts when you finish one disc and eject it. Upon installing the next disc, the instance that isn't ripping anything starts to try and read the disc drives that are ripping before it will go to the drive that the disc was just loaded into. I can hear the working drives slow down and start acting like I just loaded a disc and it is scanning the directories. My concern is that this will mess up the movie I am in the middle of ripping. Is there any way to lock each instance to one drive? Is this not an issue to the creation of the files? Any info would be helpful, unless it isn't...
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Re: Running second and third instances of MakeMKV

Post by Woodstock »

When you start MakeMKV, are you being asked which drive this particular copy will listen to?

If not, bring up the properties, and on the IO tab, click "As for single drive mode".

Then, assign each copy of MakeMKV you run to one of your drives.

(edited to add, you must restart MakeMKV after setting this)
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Re: Running second and third instances of MakeMKV

Post by Strouty »

The restart was my issue, felt pretty dumb once I did that.
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