Windows Autoplay setup and scripts for backup

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Windows Autoplay setup and scripts for backup

#1 Post by DanHolli » Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:57 am

Hello! long time lurker, first post but I've created some registry files and a batch script to automatically backup disks upon insertion utilizing Window's media Autoplay feature

I also made three registry files... one hijacks VLC's Autoplay of DVDs and Blurays to run the batch script, one to un-hijack, and one to create specific auto backup Autoplay listings for DVDs and Blurays

This is my first batch script in a while so please suggest any improvements to me :D


Code: Select all

:: omit quotes and use back slashes for all paths, flipping of slashes for MKV are automatically handled...
:: DO NOT USE ANY RELITIVE PATHS IF USING WITH AUTORUN autorun will force you to stay in the drive directory
:: if you don't like comments, too bad, they're there for people to understand what's going on

::----------------------------------------Script init-------------------------------------------------
:: hide command inputs and completion outputs... stuff you don't need to see unless you're debugging
@echo off

:: makes all included variables held within the console session so you can run multiple instances
setlocal enableextensions

:: set path for MakeMKVcon
set mkvcon=C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV\makemkvcon64.exe

:: set backup directory
set backuproot=E:\path\to\MKV\backup

:: set drive letter. use %cd% if using with autorun
set driveletter=%cd%

:: set path for NirCMD if you want auto eject
set nircmd=E:\path\to\nircmd.exe

:: optionally set cache size (MB)
set cache=16

::---------------------------------------Auto Prep-------------------------------------------------------
echo Preparing and cleaning variables

:: notifies about wait time
echo Working on scanning drives for neccecary information to simplify your setup

:: creates an random seed so multiple instances can run without file conflicts
set seed=%random%
title Backup %driveletter% / %seed%

:: filter Drive letter in case of %cd% because we can't accept slashes
set driveletter=%driveletter:~0,2%

:: use MakeMKV to scan drives, find the specified drive letter and output it into a temporary text file
echo Scanning drives for Automatic setup, this may take a while if you have multiple drives
"%mkvcon%" info -r dev:9999 | find "%driveletter%" > "%backuproot%"\driveinfo%seed%.txt

:: pull in drive information from the file so we can actually use it
set /p driveinfo= < "%backuproot%"\driveinfo%seed%.txt

:: remove the temporary drive info file
del "%backuproot%"\driveinfo%seed%.txt

:: set the drive number for our disc so MakeMKV knows which one to use
echo Setting up disc information
set drivenumber=%driveinfo:~4,1%

:: pull the disc name so we can rename the temporary folder later
FOR /f "tokens=6 delims=," %%a IN ("%driveinfo%") do set drivename=%%a
title Backup %driveletter% / %seed% / %drivename%

:: pull disc type number so we can handle extensions during the rename
FOR /f "tokens=4 delims=," %%a IN ("%driveinfo%") do set drivetype=%%a

:: moving to the disc definitions at the end of the script please know this is very rough as I only have a few drives on hand
if %drivetype%==1 goto dvd
if %drivetype%==12 goto bd
if %drivetype%==0 goto invalid
goto unknown


:: here so you can verify all information before starting the backup
:: delete or comment out for automated use
echo Almost ready, please verify the information
echo Drive letter is: %driveletter%
echo Drive number is: %drivenumber%
echo Disc name is: %drivename:~1,-1%
echo Backup directory is: %backuproot%
echo Media type is: %mediatype%
echo Backup type: %mediaextension:\=folder%
echo Temporary file seed is: %seed%
:: pause

:: finally we now start the backup
echo Beginning backup
"%mkvcon%" backup --cache=%cache% --decrypt --noscan --progress=-same disc:%drivenumber% "%backuproot:\=/%/curbak%seed%%mediaextension:\=/%"
color 2
echo Backup complete, now to wrap up

:: rename the directory to disc name
ren "%backuproot%\curbak%seed%%mediaextension:\=%" %drivename:~1,-1%%mediaextension:\=%

:: eject disc to indicate finish.. you'll need NirCMD for this
"%nircmd%" cdrom open %driveletter%

goto :EOF
:: headed to the end of file aka were're done here, drive definitions follow

::-----------------------------------Drive Definitions--------------------------------------------------------
set mediatype=bluray
set mediaextension=\
goto postassign

set mediatype=DVD
set mediaextension=.iso
goto postassign

set mediatype=!!WARNING!!Unknown media inserted!! Please be aware that no extension will be added. it will either be a folder (\) or likely a file that needs .iso
set mediaextension=
color e
goto postassign

set mediatype=!!ERROR!!Unsupported media insterted!! MakeMKV will likely error and if succesfull no extension will be added. you are on your own
set mediaextension=
color c
goto postassign

-------------------------------------End of File--------------------------------------------------------------

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;paths need to be double backward slashed

;hijack Bluray
@="cmd /c \"\"E:\\path\\to\\MKV\\backup.bat\"\""

;hijack DVD
@="cmd /c \"\"E:\\path\\to\\MKV\\backup.bat\"\""

;Created by DanHolli using information gathered by FER_Viborg on Stack Exchange

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe\" --started-from-file bluray:///%1"

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe\" --started-from-file dvd:///%1"

create autoplay.reg

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;---------------DVD Movie listing-----------------------------------
@="MKV DVD Movie"

@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MakeMKV\\makemkvcon64.exe\",0"



@="cmd /c \"\"E:\\path\\to\\MKV\\auto\\backup.bat\"\""

"Action"="Backup DVD movie"
"DefaultIcon"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MakeMKV\\makemkvcon64.exe\",0"


;----------------Bluray listing-------------------------------------

@="MKV Bluray"

@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MakeMKV\\makemkvcon64.exe\",0"



@="cmd /c \"\"E:\\path\\to\\MKV\\auto\\backup.bat\"\""

"Action"="Backup Bluray"
"DefaultIcon"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MakeMKV\\makemkvcon64.exe\",0"


;Created by DanHolli using information gathered by FER_Viborg on Stack Exchange
Special thanks to:
  • And of course everyone who has worked on and supported this wonderful tool
Moderately skilled script kitty :)
Automation is how I run

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