List of suggestions

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List of suggestions

Post by SiliconKid »

I've been using MakeMKV to rip a massive collection of several hundred DVD's to hard drive and I'm running 4 copies of MakeMKV in parrallel on the same machine at one time, ripping 4 DVD's to 4 separate hard drives all at the same time.

I'm running on a Win7 Pro 64 bit box with 8GB RAM and I must say I'm impressed. With the exception of the occassional meltdown where your 64 bit conversion process seems to lose the plot a bit and I have to force quit the processes, or once in a while when I've had to log off of my profile completely to get the process to be force terminated, so that resources could be reclaimed, I've had little to no issues and it has done an excellent job of plowing through an obscene amount of DVD's.

Having said that, I've obviously picked up on a few things that would make life even better while I've been busy.

Some of these things will no doubt have been mentioned previously in the forums, but I'm going to just list what I've noted regardless for completeness:

1. It would be nice if the main DVD drive drop down showed the Volume names of the discs currently in each drive, and the drive letters as well as or rather than the hardware id information that is currently shown. In my case I have 5 optical drives, and 2 of them come up as identical hardware ID's. When ripping from several drives at once like I am and mass processing DVD's it would REALLY help to see the disc Volume names and drive letters rather.

2. After selecting a drive and moving onto the next screen where you then tick the titles you want and choose a destination, it would be really nice if it remembered the last location you used in that session. To clarify on this point, let me elaborate slightly, when I launch an instance of the application (bear in mind I have 4 running at once), it should obviously use the default target location set in the main app preferences initially. BUT, if I then rip a DVD to disk and that completes successfully, and I then click the Eject button and it returns me to the main drive select screen so that I can put in another DVD and choose to start another rip, if I do that WITHOUT closing that instance of the app, it should then remember the target I just used for the previous rip when it takes me to the Title selection screen again.

3. It would be REALLY nice if it was possible to specify the NAME of the output MKV file before the rip starts so that I don't have to go and rename the files from the default Title00.MKV type name after every single rip. In my case, I have 4 target locations in play at once, and I'm ripping 4 DVD's at once, to each of those locations, so after each batch of 4 rips I have to go to each of the four locations in my file browser and rename each of the 4 MKV files that were just produced. It would be much nicer to just specify what names I want in your GUI, up front.

And those are the 3 most obvious things I've spotted so far that would really help from my point of view.

Other than that your app is fantastic and is saving me huges amounts of time and seems to produce perfect rips every time from what I've see so far, so well done.

Oh, and the instability and hanging of the process I mentioned before appears to mostly happen when I click the Eject button after a successful rip, to get back to the main page. Most of the time it does eject the disk and take me back, but occasionally it gets stuck and the timers above the progress bars keep rolling, the progress bars don't move at all, the disc is never ejected, and you cannot "Cancel Current Task" or get control back. You have to force quit the conversion process.
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Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:06 pm

Re: List of suggestions

Post by Grandmastashi »

Good list mate, hope you don't mind me adding one of my own too?

Ive also recently been converting my collection to mkv with the programme, and one thing thats struck me is how often I set it running then forget about it whilst im doing some other work. What would be great is an option to set the dvd rom to open automatically after a rip is complete (like in Imgburn when a burn is finished).

The drive auto opening would personally be a useful reminder to me when im engrossed in something else that it's time to swap discs.

Thanks by the way to those who made MakeMKV, its a fab programme.
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