MakeMKV just stops

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MakeMKV just stops

#1 Post by ArrowSwift » Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:03 am

Pretty much the title. I've been saving my DVD collection using an old Dell that has an optical drive and Linux Mint and everything went smoothly for the first 20 movies or so. Then all of a sudden it would just stop. No error message, no indication that anything was wrong. It just stopped. I figured maybe it had just run into some kind of issue so I left it running for a few hours and no luck. The read rate stays the same, but the remaining and elapsed just keep going up and up with no progress made. The file that's created is only 33MB out of the 5645MB that it says it should be. This has happened for two disks now. Both are in good condition and I can see no reason for them to just stop. If anyone has any insight into what is going on here I'm all ears. Thanks!

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Re: MakeMKV just stops

#2 Post by neatfeatguy » Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:18 pm

Could be an issue with the disc reader.

I've got two optical drives and sometimes one doesn't always read a file and it does as you say, just spins and the elapsed time keeps going up.

If I use the other optical drive it generally doesn't have any issues and reads the disc just fine. A couple of examples I can recall off the tope of my head was the movie The Wizard, got about halfway through the process and just never finished. I've also had a few TV show DVDs have issues with reading an episode or two out of the 6-8 episodes on the disc. Disc 3 of season 3 for Futurama, 2 episodes just wouldn't read.

I got a new optical drive about 10 months back and the new one has been able to read the discs that gave me issues.

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Re: MakeMKV just stops

#3 Post by GuineaPigs247 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:10 pm

I have been having a similar issue. The disk drive is brand new and I even got a second one because I was worried that the optical drive was not working on the first. The upload stops 103.8k with no error message.

It has happened on several disks of Parks & Rec and Season 7 of the Office.

Is this a problem with the disks, readers, or something else? Any recommendations?

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