Performance question

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Performance question

Post by greatlakesglen » Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:33 pm

Just wondering if anyone can answer this for me. On a current modern system (i7-13th, 32GB ram, etc.), if I am ripping a Blu-ray or a DVD, am I going to get any drops or glitches if I am also working on other apps (Illustrator or Photoshop, etc.)? Does MMKV do a blind rip or is there error correction going on as well? I've always been hesitant to use the system during a rip, but if I'm going through a pile of discs, then I can't do anything else. Thanks for any help.

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Re: Performance question

Post by dcoke22 » Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:47 pm

I use my system all the time while ripping is going on in the background. The system resources needed during a rip from an optical disc are pretty low because the data read rate from an optical disc is pretty low by modern standards. MakeMKV does use a blu-ray's content hash table to verify that the bits read from the optical disc match what is expected.

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