Blu-ray - Sum of the parts less than the whole

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Blu-ray - Sum of the parts less than the whole

Post by setarip_old »

I was just starting to do a backup of the "Vanishing Point" Blu-ray disc and noticed something that has me perplexed:

Both Windows Explorer and MakeMKV indicate total disc space used as 46.6Gigs - but the actual sum of all files and folders on the disc is only 37.5Gigs (and the toal ripped as a full disc backup), a difference of more than 9Gigs.

Does anyone know what causes this, or what it is indicative of.?
mike admin
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Re: Blu-ray - Sum of the parts less than the whole

Post by mike admin »

Is it a 3D disc?
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Re: Blu-ray - Sum of the parts less than the whole

Post by setarip_old »

Is it a 3D disc?

No, it's not.

It does, however, contain a "theatrical" version and an "extended" version...

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Re: Blu-ray - Sum of the parts less than the whole

Post by SamuriHL »

It's not indicative of a protection or anything like that. From what I can remember, and this was discussed a LONG time ago on another forum so my memory could be faulty here, but it seems to have something to do with how the discs are stored. Something about interleaving messes up what the disc shows for a size. Since you say there's 2 versions of the movie on it, it's very likely that the disc is interleaved (seamless branching as it's sometimes called). I can't explain how the interleaving causes the disc sizes to appear different but if you search for it you might find an old discussion on it.
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