Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and backup

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Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:13 am

Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and backup

Post by hahafunny » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:26 am

I tried ripping first and when that didn't work I tried backing up and that failed too...

when ripping, it looked like it was successful and the giant file was on the harddrive and then i suppose at the very end it erased the file and said it failed...

here is the error i get from backing up:
Optical drive "BD-RE MATSHITA BD-MLT UJ230AS 1.11" opened in DASPI v1.3 mode.
Backing up disc into folder "/Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/backup/RATATOUILLE_GBR"
Loaded content hash table, will verify integrity of M2TS files.
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00147.m2ts' at offset '81395712'
DEBUG: Code 0 at AEhvqUu7%FlJMM;Ead[J:121267592
DEBUG: Code 0 at AEhvqUu7%FlJMM;Ead[J:213140449
Backup failed

i'll paste in the error from ripping next...

Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296329728'
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394298
DEBUG: Code 0 at [9oc2-g2Vj~;@2}X@%m_:121261681
DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394183
DEBUG: Code 1609599 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29393309
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 10 to file /Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/rat/title10

Alice in Wonderland also did the same thing, failed to save the file after going through the whole process of ripping...

i'm on the latest Mac OSX using MakeMKv 1.6.10 darwin(x86 release)
AppleTV 2

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:13 am

Re: Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and ba

Post by hahafunny » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:07 am

ok, i installed that DASPI kernel extension and set the retry thingy to 25 and was finally able to rip Alice in Wonderland but Ratatouli still doesn't work...

AppleTV 2

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:13 am

Re: Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and ba

Post by hahafunny » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:31 am

still getting this error for Ratatoilli blu ray...

Saving 2 titles into directory /Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/rat
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394298
DEBUG: Code 0 at [9oc2-g2Vj~;@2}X@%m_:121261681
DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394183
DEBUG: Code 1609599 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29393309
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 10 to file /Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/rat/title10.mkv
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394298
DEBUG: Code 0 at [9oc2-g2Vj~;@2}X@%m_:121261681
DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394183
DEBUG: Code 1609599 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29393309
DEBUG: Code 0 at Y'/Q/G2y`KkX'gJHx[0[I:29397472
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 11 to file /Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/rat/title11.mkv
0 titles saved, 2 failed

any advice on what to do?
AppleTV 2

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:13 am

Re: Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and ba

Post by hahafunny » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:35 am

ok i figured out what the error log thing is... here is the log for Ratatouilli Blu Ray

Debug log started at Sun Jun 19 08:53:44 2011 , written by MakeMKV v1.6.10 darwin(x86-release)
Using 524544KB for read cache.
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.6.10 darwin(x86-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/MakeMKV_log.txt
002014:0000 Optical drive "BD-RE MATSHITA BD-MLT UJ230AS 1.11" opened in DASPI v1.3 mode.
003007:0000 Using direct disc access mode
005050:0000 Evaluation version, 22 day(s) out of 30 remaining
003307:0000 File 00082.m2ts was added as title #0
003307:0000 File 00080.m2ts was added as title #1
003307:0000 File 00144.m2ts was added as title #2
003307:0000 File 00149.m2ts was added as title #3
003307:0000 File 00044.mpls was added as title #4
003307:0000 File 00046.mpls was added as title #5
003309:0000 Title 00049.mpls is equal to title 00080.m2ts and was skipped
003309:0000 Title 00051.mpls is equal to title 00082.m2ts and was skipped
003025:0000 Title #00061.mpls has length of 54 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00062.mpls has length of 18 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00063.mpls has length of 22 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00064.mpls has length of 18 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00065.mpls was added as title #6
003025:0000 Title #00066.mpls has length of 113 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00067.mpls was added as title #7
003307:0000 File 00068.mpls was added as title #8
003309:0000 Title 00122.mpls is equal to title 00144.m2ts and was skipped
003309:0000 Title 00127.mpls is equal to title 00149.m2ts and was skipped
003025:0000 Title #00060.mpls has length of 56 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00047.mpls was added as title #9
003307:0000 File 00001.mpls was added as title #10
003307:0000 File 00143.mpls was added as title #11
003025:0000 Title #00076.m2ts has length of 109 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00079.m2ts has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
003307:0000 File 00081.m2ts was added as title #12
003307:0000 File 00083.m2ts was added as title #13
003025:0000 Title #00084.m2ts has length of 68 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00085.m2ts has length of 57 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00086.m2ts has length of 64 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00087.m2ts has length of 35 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00088.m2ts has length of 20 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00089.m2ts has length of 4 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00090.m2ts has length of 54 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00091.m2ts has length of 18 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00092.m2ts has length of 22 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00093.m2ts has length of 18 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00095.m2ts has length of 56 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00098.m2ts has length of 31 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00099.m2ts has length of 6 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00100.m2ts has length of 7 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00101.m2ts has length of 54 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00103.m2ts has length of 0 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00108.m2ts has length of 45 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00130.m2ts has length of 54 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00131.m2ts has length of 67 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00132.m2ts has length of 100 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00133.m2ts has length of 62 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00134.m2ts has length of 47 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00135.m2ts has length of 41 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00136.m2ts has length of 67 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00137.m2ts has length of 42 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00138.m2ts has length of 67 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00139.m2ts has length of 66 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00140.m2ts has length of 57 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00141.m2ts has length of 41 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00142.m2ts has length of 112 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00143.m2ts was added as title #14
003307:0000 File 00145.m2ts was added as title #15
003307:0000 File 00146.m2ts was added as title #16
003307:0000 File 00147.m2ts was added as title #17
003307:0000 File 00148.m2ts was added as title #18
003307:0000 File 00150.m2ts was added as title #19
003307:0000 File 00151.m2ts was added as title #20
003025:0000 Title #00152.m2ts has length of 26 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00153.m2ts has length of 36 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00154.m2ts has length of 33 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00155.m2ts has length of 35 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00156.m2ts has length of 39 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00157.m2ts has length of 54 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00158.m2ts was added as title #21
003025:0000 Title #00159.m2ts has length of 34 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00160.m2ts has length of 21 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00161.m2ts has length of 51 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00173.m2ts has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00175.m2ts has length of 24 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00186.m2ts was added as title #22
003307:0000 File 00188.m2ts was added as title #23
003025:0000 Title #00203.m2ts has length of 74 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00206.m2ts has length of 111 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00207.m2ts has length of 7 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00208.m2ts has length of 101 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00209.m2ts has length of 7 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00210.m2ts has length of 115 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00211.m2ts was added as title #24
005011:0000 Operation successfully completed
005014:0000 Saving 2 titles into directory /Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/rat
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394298
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at [9oc2-g2Vj~;@2}X@%m_:121261681
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394183
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1609599 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29393309
001002:0020 LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
005003:0000 Failed to save title 10 to file /Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/rat/title10.mkv
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at )Cb.?d~[?2i`@"#*:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at -N#YL4P(3f)A0CMS:121268719
002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00199.m2ts' at offset '3296458752'
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394298
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at [9oc2-g2Vj~;@2}X@%m_:121261681
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29394183
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1609599 at _y.Wha8OK(K)>ze|cZy3:29393309
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at Y'/Q/G2y`KkX'gJHx[0[I:29397472
001002:0020 LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
005003:0000 Failed to save title 11 to file /Volumes/GoFlex Home Public/blu ray rips/rat/title11.mkv
005004:0080 0 titles saved, 2 failed
005037:0204 Copy complete. 0 titles saved, 2 failed.
Application exited at Sun Jun 19 09:29:41 2011
AppleTV 2

mike admin
Posts: 4075
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am

Re: Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and ba

Post by mike admin » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:50 am

That's a physical disc error.

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:13 am

Re: Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and ba

Post by hahafunny » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:17 pm

mike admin wrote:That's a physical disc error.

AppleTV 2

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:13 am

Re: Ratatouille, Alice in Wonderland(2010) failed rip and ba

Post by hahafunny » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:07 am

mike admin wrote:That's a physical disc error.
got a new disc and it works fine now...

AppleTV 2

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