Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

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Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

Post by wsdickerson »

This disc requires Java runtime (JRE), but none was found. Certain functions will fail, please install Java.

Using Java runtime from /run/user/1000/doc/1dee089c/java
-rw-r--r-- 0 USER GROUP 8.8k Jun 9 2021 /run/user/1000/doc/1dee089c/java
Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/run/user/1000/doc/1dee089c/java'

Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/usr/bin/java'
openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20

Using Java runtime from /usr/bin
Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/usr/bin'

Using Java runtime from /usr/java/jre/bin
Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/usr/java/jre/bin'

Using Java runtime from /usr/java/jre/bin/java
Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/usr/java/jre/bin/java'

/usr/java/jre/bin/java -version
java version "1.8.0_301"
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Re: Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

Post by Woodstock »

Java is not included in MakeMKV, so ... where do you have it installed? Is it tagged as executable?
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Re: Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

Post by wsdickerson »

Java 1.8 is in /usr/java/jre/bin.
Using Java runtime from /usr/java/jre/bin/java
Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/usr/java/jre/bin/java'
/usr/java/jre/bin/java -version
java version "1.8.0_301"

I also tried the directory without "java".
Using Java runtime from /usr/java/jre/bin
Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/usr/java/jre/bin'
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Re: Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

Post by Ezatoka »

wsdickerson wrote:
Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:51 pm
Using Java runtime from /run/user/1000/doc/1dee089c/java
-rw-r--r-- 0 USER GROUP 8.8k Jun 9 2021 /run/user/1000/doc/1dee089c/java
Failed to execute external program 'java' from location '/run/user/1000/doc/1dee089c/java'
That first example doesn't has the eXecutable-Permission. How about the others? I'm not a Unix professional, but maybe it has something to do with that.
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Re: Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

Post by wsdickerson »

It is also size 0. I only listed that because makeMKV kept using that if I used the Java selection instead of typing in a path.

FYI, the disc failed to play last night in my PS4 and only played about half in my PS5. I wouldn't think that caused the problem because I think it looks for Java before it starts reading the disc.
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Re: Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

Post by Woodstock »

Just a wild thought, but... do you have something listed in the "Custom Java executable location" line, or is it blank?

Mine's been blank "forever", and I never see that error, maybe because I don't have disks that trigger looking for Java. Java is not used for "every" disk.
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Re: Failed to execute external program 'java' (tried several locations)

Post by wsdickerson »

Maybe it was just a bad disc. I tried another with "Custom Java executable location" =/usr/bin and got:

Processing BD+ code, please be patient - this may take up to few minutes
Processing BD+ code using generic SVQ from builtin/generic.svq
BD+ code processed, got 1 FUT(s) for 1 clip(s)

I tried again with custom java executable location blank and got the same result and two more movies.

I'll respond again if I see that error again.

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