The problem is, my short term memory is worse than a goldfishes. In most instances, this is fine because movies and such have unique names so it's easy to know what's in what. In some cases, mostly with TV series, the disc name will be the same throughout the series (though this can vary from series to series, even disc to disc within a series).
I suppose this suggestion is a bit of a two-part suggestion. The first idea is to be able to name the disc drive itself, so I can know which one I'm using via a more "friendly" name, instead of the default drive name. Something like:

That way, I can know which one is which at a glance.
In addition, if we could get the drive name to appear on the last screen where you save titles to mkvs, as this is where I typically go "oh, wait, what is in what drive again?"
Such as:

Of course, this particular dvd is a bad example because they did a great job naming it clearly.