drive for 4k rips on a apple mac studio

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drive for 4k rips on a apple mac studio

Post by zshguru » Sat May 27, 2023 3:15 pm

Potential noob question but I couldn't find the answer with the searches I tried...

So I have a Apple/Mac Studio and that is what I want to use for ripping 4k discs. I've been looking at drives and it seems that a lot of them will need to be flashed with some firmware to work. (Correct me if that assumption is wrong). While I'm highly technical and have decades of experience with linux/unix and troubleshooting, I'm not sure how much of a pain in the ass this process is and more-so on a non-Windows based system. (The last time I had to flash hardware was a mechanical keyboard and the Mac stuff they provided didn't work and I ended up having to MacGuyver up a Windows docker image to do it.) So how much of a pain in the ass is this and would I just be better buying one of the pre-flashed drives for sale here? I'm totally ok "throwing money" at the problem bc at the end of the day I don't want to fiddle with hardware; I would rather put that time to ripping my Star Trek collection.

Thanks in advance :)

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Re: drive for 4k rips on a apple mac studio

Post by d00zah » Sat May 27, 2023 6:53 pm

This help? Seems straight-forward. YMMV

Flashing firmware on a Mac for LibreDrive

- OR-

Ultimate UHD Drives Flashing Guide Updated 2023

1st post, refer to How To Flash Videos and commands: > Mac/linux commands to flash.

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