Intermittent "Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST"

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Intermittent "Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST"

Post by Sentynel »

Getting this error intermittently trying to read from the Amorphis "Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes" live blu-ray.
Drive is listed as "BD-ROM HL-DT-ST BDDVDRW CH08LS10 1.00". Disk reports AACS v21. I am running MakeMKV v1.6.8 on Kubuntu 11.04 x64.

Debug output:

Code: Select all

Saving 2 titles into directory /media/disk2/blu-ray/music
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3209854976'
Error 'Scsi error - NOT READY:CANNOT READ MEDIUM - INCOMPATIBLE FORMAT' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3210905600'
Error 'Scsi error - NOT READY:CANNOT READ MEDIUM - INCOMPATIBLE FORMAT' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3211102208'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3211298816'
Error 'Scsi error - NOT READY:CANNOT READ MEDIUM - INCOMPATIBLE FORMAT' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3212214272'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3213264896'
Error 'Scsi error - NOT READY:CANNOT READ MEDIUM - INCOMPATIBLE FORMAT' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3213658112'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3213854720'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00017.m2ts' at offset '3213854720'
DEBUG: Code 0 at },`53bb$U-!m/%>uxv$!:29394298
DEBUG: Code 0 at vQP}%/DN;l<v.H_>eVzl:121261681
DEBUG: Code 0 at },`53bb$U-!m/%>uxv$!:29394183
DEBUG: Code 3666417 at },`53bb$U-!m/%>uxv$!:29393309
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 15 to file /media/disk2/blu-ray/music/title15.mkv
1 titles saved, 1 failed
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Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:58 am

Re: Intermittent "Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST"

Post by dirkmittler »

I have no doubt, that the OP has found the reason for his error messages, which were intermittent, and which took place, when he was trying to copy a Blu-ray movie. However, the fact that this explanation for the error message is almost the only one given on the forum, can cost people like me time, in trying to perform a different task with "MakeMKV". There is another reason, why this error message can appear.

Yesterday, I was trying to copy an 'SACD' (a "Super Audio CD"), using MakeMKV, but using the following BD-R drive: The Pioneer BDR-XD05B. It's a fine BD-R drive for its original purposes, but not for copying the SACD layer from a disk.

An intentional type of copy-protection which recent SACDs incorporate, is called "Pit Modulation". Without knowing all the details, I'd say that this form of DRM causes the tracks of the (SACD) data layer 'to wobble' slightly, instead of remaining perfectly concentric around the center of the disk. If the hardware is not designed to read SACDs, which most external drives won't be, they will get read as though there was a physical defect in certain tracks - thereby producing similar error messages.

I am still able to use the same combination of external Blu-ray drive, and MakeMKV, in order to read and copy actual, plain Blu-ray (movies).

I would just want to save anybody the time and trouble, who may also want to copy SACDs using this software. If the disk was recent, and the hardware not designed to read it, then there is nothing, really, which MakeMKV or any other software can do, to bridge the gap.



What I also tried yesterday was, to copy the SACD layer from the same disk, using MakeMKV and the internal DVD-drive of my PC. In theory, this should also be possible, because the density with which the SACD layer is recorded, only corresponds to that of a Single-Layer or Double-Layer DVD. But doing this, just caused MakeMKV to display exactly the same error messages as with the external, Pioneer BD-R drive (down to the exact locations on the disk, where the errors seemed apparent). What this proved was, that there was no specific incompatibility, between the external BD-R drive and this disk, apart from the DRM I just described.
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Re: Intermittent "Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST"

Post by tmo1138 »

Just FYI Mike - I ran into this exact same problem - but the FAQ page is not working.. HTTP error 500
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Re: Intermittent "Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST"

Post by Woodstock »

Just FYI Mike - I ran into this exact same problem - but the FAQ page is not working.. HTTP error 500
Yeah, he posted that 11 years ago, but has missed the fact that when he moved the site to SSL, a LOT of stuff didn't move with it.

So, we're still waiting for that to be fixed. Forum came first, but now we should be fine on that side.
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