Does Anybody Have a Script for Updating MakeMKV?

The place to discuss linux version of MakeMKV
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Does Anybody Have a Script for Updating MakeMKV?

#1 Post by Faber » Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:58 pm

I prefer installing MakeMKV from scratch instead of using a Flatpak because Flatpaks don't integrate nicely with the rest of the system. The downside to this approach is that it makes updating to a newer version rather laborious. Instead of being able to even update via a script, I have to delete three folders and then install from scratch. I'd love to be able to just pop into the Terminal and run a script.

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Re: Does Anybody Have a Script for Updating MakeMKV?

#2 Post by Skyterix » Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:40 am

I don't have a script but, I recently discovered a docker image for makemkv. It gives you a Web GUI with the newest version, really convenient. It might be helpful if you already use docker in your system.

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Re: Does Anybody Have a Script for Updating MakeMKV?

#3 Post by spicefrenzy » Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:43 pm

I don't use a script either, but instead have the necessary commands listed in my Wiki so all I need to do is copy/paste them into a shell session. Scripting it is possible, but I was too lazy to work out a way to lookup the new version number to do a proper download.

Here's what I use:
  • Initial Setup:
    apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libavcodec-dev libgl1-mesa-dev qtbase5-dev zlib1g-dev

    mkdir ~/Downloads/MakeMKV
  • Set the current version:
  • Download the source:
    cd ~/Download/MakeMKV

    wget ... VER.tar.gz
    wget ... VER.tar.gz

    tar xf makemkv-oss-$VER.tar.gz
    tar xf makemkv-bin-$VER.tar.gz
  • Compile & Install the OSS package:
    cd makemkv-oss-$VER
    ./configure && make

    sudo make install && echo looks good || echo error, try again
  • Compile & Install the BIN package:
    cd ~/Downloads/MakeMKV/makemkv-bin-$VER
    (exit the EULA displaly and type "yes" when asked)
    sudo make install && echo looks good || echo error, try again
  • Cleanup:
    rm -rf ~/Downloads/MakeMKV/makemkv-*-$VER

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