So I want to get my drive flashed, however I don't know fully what I'm doing. And the last thing I want to happen is it to brick. And yes I know I can pay $25 for remote flashing but I would rather save $25 and flash this on my own
So this is the drive I bought:
LG WH16NS40 Super Multi Blue Internal SATA 16x Blu-ray Disc Rewriter ... C94&sr=1-1
(Don't ask why I crossed out the S/N)
I downloaded the firmware from mike admin thread viewtopic.php?f=19&t=19113
Looking at the SVC code on the physical drive its NS50
And is this the one I need?: \\mk-firmware-pack-20200720\MK\HL-DT-ST\WH16NS40-NS50\HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin
Because it say's it's version 1.05, which I thought was already on the drive. Or is it patched in some way? Because I thought I recall the patch was on 1.02. And if this isn't the correct one, where do I find the correct one?
Would it be this from this video and which one of these bin files is it?:
I apologize if this is very messy. I just want to make sure that I'm doing this right.
Also what flasher program do I use to patch this drive? The one from the video?
Help would be appreciated.
Need help flashing LG WH16NS40
- Posts: 4566
- Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:49 am
Re: Need help flashing LG WH16NS40
Guide linked below
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one
UHD Drives Guide: ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one