Running into some sort of problems when ripping DVDs

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Running into some sort of problems when ripping DVDs

#1 Post by Kelp5127 » Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:53 am

Sorry if there is a post explaining this out on the forums already. In fact, I'm sure there is. I'm new to MakeMKV so I cant quite tell what error codes I need to be looking at in the debugging logs to determined what the problem is.
I've been trying to rip some Pokémon season 14 DVDs, about halfway through the rip it would simply stop and tell me "1 failed, 0 copied" (these DVDs puts all the episodes into 1 file). It didn't give me any errors however. So I turned on the debug logs to try to find the issue and I don't know which one of the errors is causing the program to stop halfway through.
vie tried 3 discs out of the 8 discs in total and had the same issue. I'm using an LG BP60NB10 that I've flashed the firmware on using tutorials from these forums.
The debug file is attached to this post.
Once again sorry if this is a wildly discussed issue and I just failed to find the correct post to help with the issue
Debug log
(23.11 KiB) Downloaded 249 times

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Re: Running into some sort of problems when ripping DVDs

#2 Post by Ezatoka » Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:03 am

Might be worth a try to deselect the subtitles as there are many messages about closed captions inside. Just to see, if they might cause the problem.

mike admin
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Re: Running into some sort of problems when ripping DVDs

#3 Post by mike admin » Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:24 am

Kelp5127 wrote:
Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:53 am
I've been trying to rip some Pokémon season 14 DVDs, about halfway through the rip it would simply stop and tell me "1 failed, 0 copied" (these DVDs puts all the episodes into 1 file). It didn't give me any errors however. So I turned on the debug logs to try to find the issue and I don't know which one of the errors is causing the program to stop halfway through.
vie tried 3 discs out of the 8 discs in total and had the same issue. I'm using an LG BP60NB10 that I've flashed the firmware on using tutorials from these forums.
The debug file is attached to this post.
This is likely a bug in MakeMKV. The log shows that the error happens in video stream, so if the player plays this disc and MakeMKV fails - then it's a bug.
I would highly appreciate a testdump for titles that fail. I f the error is similar on all discs, then 3 dumps should be enough. Instructions are here -

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