The following is my workflow:
1. Buy blu-ray or UHD movie (on disc).
2. Create decrypted .iso from it as a backup using AnyDVD HD.
3. Exit AnyDVD HD by right-clicking the System Tray icon and then clicking 'Exit.'
4. Mount decrypted .iso using Virtual CloneDrive.
5. Use MakeMKV on my decrypted .iso to extract the various movie files and bonus features and put them on my home NAS.
Every time I use MakeMKV to extract videos from an already-decrypted blu-ray .iso, it gives me a warning telling me that AnyDVD is enabled and that I should disable it to prevent any errors.
The thing is, AnyDVD is not running. I'm not exactly sure what 'enabled' means in this context. I have completely closed AnyDVD and check my running processes and services in Task Manager and I'm not seeing anything related to AnyDVD or Redfox running at all, then I start MakeMKV, so I'm not sure why MakeMKV still gives me this warning. What exactly is MakeMKV checking to see if AnyDVD is 'enabled?' Is it possible that MakeMKV is somehow seeing that a Virtual CloneDrive service or driver is running, and since it's also made by RedFox, MakeMKV is wrongly assuming that AnyDVD is running? (Doubtful. I'm just thinking out loud.)
I also noticed that there is a menu option in AnyDVD named 'Enable AnyDVD.' If this is turned ON, even after exiting the application completely, is something still running or enabled in the background? I have turned it OFF and the AnyDVD icon becomes greyed out, yet MakeMKV still gives the warning as posted above.

Anyways, it's not a big deal, I always just click Yes to 'continue anyways (errors may follow),' and I've never encountered an error, but I was just curious. Does anyone know why it always tells me this?