I've spent days searching various forums, reading the man pages, tinkering, and reinstalling packages trying to get this to work on my own. Now I turn to the MakeMKV experts here to help me get this running as I'm tapped-out
My intent is not to rip my movies to internal storage (that works fine with MakeMKV), but rather to play them directly from the optical discs using VLC or any other player that integrates with libmmbd.so.0
My initial setup
After installing makemkv and vlc, I removed libaacs.so and libbdplus.so from/usr/lib/
I then created soft links as follows:
Code: Select all
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libmmbd.so.0 /usr/lib/libaacs.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libmmbd.so.0 /usr/lib/libbdplus.so
I activated the evaluation period in MakeMKV since the website says that it's my responsibility to thoroughly try the software before I buy it (no refunds, etc.) and that all features would work until the trial was over -- for me that date is the end of this month (July 31st) so I would like to get this solved before then.
As far as I can tell, this completes the initial setup.
How I've Tried to Play my Blu-Ray Discs
1. I start MakeMKV and let it read my disc, since the instructions I've found claim that the program needs to run in the background
2. I then start vlc, click Media -> Open disc
3. I select Blu-Ray with "No disc menus"
4. I click the "Play" button.
The problem
VLC proceeds to spin the disc, and something is being read for about seven seconds, then VLC simply shows a still image of what looks like a logo or artwork from the movie, and stays there indefinitely. The playbar never starts (0:00) and scrubbing has no effect.
Nothing ever shows in the MakeMKV log or the "Integration" window -- which I think is just for Windows -- correct me if I'm wrong please!
The VLC log is rather sparse, I have it set to "debug" level, and this is the entire contents from my most recent play attempt:
Code: Select all
-- logger module started --
main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
main: playlist is empty
libbluray: First play: 1, Top menu: 1
HDMV Titles: 3, BD-J Titles: 86, Other: 0
libbluray: Closing overlays.
main: end of playlist, exiting
-- logger module stopped --
Additional info
I'm not sure what you might need, so ask if I didn't include something:
uname -a
Code: Select all
5.18.11-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue, 12 Jul 2022 15:40:51 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
vlc version: Vetinari
Strangely enough, I can actually play blu-rays through WINE using Leawo Blu-Ray Player (!) -- but I'd much prefer to use a Linux native solution if possible. If nothing else, that proves that it can be done.