Just a test to convert HDR10+ to DV
I cant get the scripts (1.26) to work, at the end there are always
Code: Select all
(os error 2)
Code: Select all
Drag and drop your HDR10plus MKV/MP4/TS file and press enter...Z:\Downloads\Dolby-Vision-Tools\test.mkv
Do you want to crop RPU... y or n ? (y when HDR10-BL is cropped and DV isnt) and press enter...
Measuring the HDR10 video letterbox...
min: 0.0001 cd/m2, max: 1000 cd/m2
Extracting track 0 with the CodecID 'V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC' to the file 'z:\TEMP\HDR.hevc'. Container format: HEVC/H.265 elementary stream
Progress: 100%
Extracting HDR10plus...
Reading parsed dynamic metadata... Done.
Reordering metadata... Done.
Generating and writing metadata to JSON file... Done.
Parsing HDR10+ JSON file...
Generating metadata...
Generated metadata for 57044 frames
Error: expected value at line 4 column 16
EditConfig {
mode: 0,
convert_to_cmv4: false,
remove_mapping: false,
active_area: None,
remove: None,
duplicate: None,
min_pq: None,
max_pq: None,
level6: Some(
ExtMetadataBlockLevel6 {
max_display_mastering_luminance: 1000,
min_display_mastering_luminance: 1,
max_content_light_level: 0,
max_frame_average_light_level: 0,
level9: None,
level11: None,
Parsing RPU file...
Error: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
MDL.max: 1000
MDL.min: 1
Maxcll: 0
Maxfall: 0
injecting RPU-L6-L5.bin ...
Parsing RPU file...
Error: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
Parsing RPU file...
Error: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
"The script has completed."
Press any key to continue . . .