MakeMKV for Monterey Crashes on Second Launch

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MakeMKV for Monterey Crashes on Second Launch

Post by GeekElectro »

I have MakeMKV v1.16.5 on an Intel MacBook Pro running on Monterey 12.0.1. It worked fine under Monterey 12.0.0, best I can recall.

MakeMKV launches fine on fresh install. When I launch it a second time it crashes. The behavior is the same whether I go through the process of giving it file/disk permissions through the macOS security mechanism, or no permissions, with disc in the drive or no disc in the drive, with registered or not registered (though, of course, I could not test the first launch with registered). I've tried reading a known, readable disc on first launch, and it goes through all the steps fine.

It seems to be isolated to this behavior on the second launch, where it is trying to download the latest SDF to the ~/Library/MakeMKV folder under my user path.

Once the MakeMKV folder is created in my user Library folder, it crashes on second launch. When I delete this folder, it launches fine, but treats it as an initial launch due to the folder not being there.

The permissions on the folder are the default, as they should be, with my user name having read/write privileges, staff and everyone else having read only privileges.

Any ideas on what is going on, or more importantly, how to resolve it?
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Re: MakeMKV for Monterey Crashes on Second Launch

Post by GeekElectro »

Just a followup... it has the same behavior with the macOS 12.1 update as well.
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Re: MakeMKV for Monterey Crashes on Second Launch

Post by Billycar11 »

some one in the linux section discovered if you your sdf fails it crashes it fix that and you may be good and mac is linux
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Re: MakeMKV for Monterey Crashes on Second Launch

Post by dcoke22 »

In the post that Billycar11 linked to, the poster had these lines in their log:

Code: Select all

003338:0000 Downloading latest SDF to /home/username/.MakeMKV ...
003339:0000 Automatic SDF downloading is disabled or failed.
Application exited at Mon Dec 27 18:58:02 2021
In the end, they discovered that their firewall was getting in the way from downloading the necessary sdf.bin file.
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Re: MakeMKV for Monterey Crashes on Second Launch

Post by StefaanD »

On a Mac with Monterey it also fails to download the SDF files. And the same happens on a Mac with Catalina where the firewall isn't even enabled.

OK was able to solve this by downloading and placing it in the ~/Library/MakeMKV folder as is.
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