dompidu wrote: ↑Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:03 am
I have an LG G1 and Sony x700. Now, if I have a .iso of a 4K Bluray (dual layer DV), can I play it in its full glory by converting it to .m2ts (because .iso playback is not supported if I'm not mistaken)? If so, what is the exact process that I'd have to follow?
sure. I use this method: with tsmuxer, add the heaviest m2ts file from the bluray and mux in m2ts. (maybe you can just copy the m2ts file from the bluray and put it on a usb stick, without using tsmuxer

idk. never tried.)
if you need subtitles, but don't want horrible subtitles, do this: add a srt file, go to the subtitles section, change font to size 20 (or what u want) and color to # 3a3a3a (or what u want). I use position between 88 (max position for black bar) and 0, change each time, to prevent burn in. Mux in blu-ray folder.
question: how can I play an mkv file dvhe.05.06, BL+RPU with lg cx and sony x700?