Blu-Ray Drive Recommendations

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Blu-Ray Drive Recommendations

Post by oobedoob » Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:35 am

Not sure if this is the proper forum for this, if it isn't let me know.

I've been contemplating either upgrading/replacing my current Blu-Ray drive (Asus BW-12B1ST a 1.00) to something else. It's been great and has been handling mostly everything that I've been throwing at it, but there's the occasional disc that it will just error out on (either a hash error or some sort of read error) whether it be a movie or one episode out of several on the same disc.

I haven't had the need to rip anything in 4K yet, but the option would be nice. If I keep this drive and add a backup the other issue I have is my computer case only has space for one optical drive so I don't know if an external drive would even been a good option.

So what do you think would be a good option?

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Re: Blu-Ray Drive Recommendations

Post by Coopervid » Tue Nov 16, 2021 8:08 pm

This depends what software what you want to use. If only Makemkv most folks recommend the LG BU40N.

If you want to use software from other companies as well you need a full height drive. Either ASUS BW-16D1HT or
LG BH16NS55. The LG kann also be flashed to ASUS and vice versa.

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Re: Blu-Ray Drive Recommendations

Post by dcoke22 » Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:24 pm

Adding a drive in an external case will be fine. There's no reason to abandon your existing optical drive if it is still working. MakeMKV can be made to use more than one optical drive at the same time.

As Coopervid has suggested, if you only want to use the drive with MakeMKV, there's one set of recommendations. If you also want to use the drive with other ripping software, there's a narrower path to thread that needle for a drive that'll work with MakeMKV and other software. If you want to burn multi-layer Blu-ray discs with the drive… that's another thing entirely.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19634 <-- That's the MakeMKV recommended drives list.

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