Motorboating audio

MKV playback, recompression, remuxing, codec packs, players, howtos, etc.
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Motorboating audio

#1 Post by Steve_K2 » Sat Nov 13, 2021 4:58 pm

I rip my DVD of "Real Live Roadrunning," by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris. (If this post does nothing else, it will be worth it if new fans are made for these artists.)

Interestingly, the concert is recorded AND also each of the songs. Please see attachment showing screen print of File Explorer.

No harm. The extra songs can be nice to have on their own.

But about a third of the songs are unusable, as the audio has a constant "tick-tick-tick" in the background.

Maybe the DVD is bad, but not likely, as it's been played only twice.

Is there a setting in MakeMKV that will fix this?

And can MakeMKV be used to rip only the audio from a DVD to result in mp3 files for each song?

Thanks in advance for all advice.

-- Steve, San Antonio TX
RealLiveRoadrunning, ripped by MakeMKV, list of files.jpg
RealLiveRoadrunning, ripped by MakeMKV, list of files.jpg (133.83 KiB) Viewed 3478 times

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