missing title after ripping Blu-Ray

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missing title after ripping Blu-Ray

#1 Post by ssybesma » Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:12 am

On the Blu-Ray's menu when played using Cyberlink, there are 9 titles or tracks.

On MakeMKV when I rip the video, there are only 8 titles or tracks.

(In reality there are two other very short titles/tracks that represent the Legal Warning and the Menu itself, but this is not about those at all.)

What happened is that they combined the two shortest of the 9 titles into one file, which nets 8 files. (The shorter title is combined at the front with the longer title at the back.)

One file containing two menu entries, in other words.

Is MakeMKV able to separate the two titles?

Thank you!

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Re: missing title after ripping Blu-Ray

#2 Post by Woodstock » Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:46 am

Probably not.

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Re: missing title after ripping Blu-Ray

#3 Post by ssybesma » Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:59 am

I posted another later which better explained what my question should have been.

What happened is that two very short chapters that showed in the menu as two individual titles were combined into one actual title file that showed in MakeMKV.

So I'd have to find something to divide the first 32 seconds from the 1:52 combined title file into its own but that's not really necessary.

I can understand it may not be unusual for very short titles appearing in the menu to actually be separate chapters combined into one title file.


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Re: missing title after ripping Blu-Ray

#4 Post by ssybesma » Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:02 am

This could be the answer to my question:



I got this done using MKVToolnix GUI without the two other add-ons for it that can be installed separately.

Took a bit of poking around but I figured it out. Now I have the same number of separate title files that match what the Blu-Ray menu shows.

The app breaks it neatly right at the chapter line so no need to specify the number of seconds.


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