Problem with LG WH16NS60 + Vantec NST-536S3-BK

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Problem with LG WH16NS60 + Vantec NST-536S3-BK

Post by Marius »


I have a problem with a Vantec NexStar DX enclosure purchased a few days ago, and it is that I cannot get it to work with my LG WH16NS60 (MK Firmware 1.03) and with the MakeMKV version v1.16.3 win (x64-release), I have not tried any previous version. The problem is that I can't get it to read any Blu-ray whether it is this UHD or not, and it just throws me a scsi error.

The "funny thing" is that the same LG WH16NS60 unit works perfect if I connect it to other adapters such as a Unitek and an Inateck. With these I can use any Blu-ray or Blu-ray UHD and everything works perfectly, so I rule out problems of dirt on the discs or on the drive itself.

The truth is that I do not know where the problem can be because the NexStar DX only gives me problems with the WH16NS60, if I connect my previous BH16NS40 it works perfect, so supposedly the NexStar DX does not have any problem.

I've been reading the forum and despite trying different things (changing the USB port, changing the drive letter, etc, etc ...) I have not found a solution to this problem. I hope someone who has happened something similar can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Greetings and sorry for my English.
NexStar DX scsi error
NexStar DX scsi error
NexStar DX.PNG (43.5 KiB) Viewed 3916 times
Unitek Adapter Pic 1
Unitek Adapter Pic 1
Unitek Adapter Pic 1.PNG (88.6 KiB) Viewed 3916 times
Unitek Adapter Pic 2
Unitek Adapter Pic 2
Unitek Adapter Pic 2.PNG (150.22 KiB) Viewed 3916 times
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Joined: Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:57 pm

Re: Problem with LG WH16NS60 + Vantec NST-536S3-BK

Post by Marius »

I have been trying to downgrade to version 1.02 and then update again to 1.03 and for now it seems that the problem has been solved since it has not given me the scsi problem again.

I don't remember if the previous time I updated to version 1.03 I did it from the Vantec enclosure or if I did it from one of the other adapters and that is where the failure may come from not updating from Vantec itself. Could that be the reason?

I honestly do not know if that could be a meaningful reason that could lead to the failure I had, but in the absence of doing more tests I see that for now it is working well. If someone else runs into this problem, please try to downgrade to the previous version and then update again.
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