Flashing BP50NB40-NB50/BP60NB10 on Linux

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Flashing BP50NB40-NB50/BP60NB10 on Linux

Post by martinmcu » Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:14 am

I have a BP50NB40 drive that long ago I flashed to be UHD compatible:

Code: Select all

Drive Information
OS device name: /dev/sr0
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE BP60NB10
Revision: 1.00
Serial number: SIKYV48MN1857
Firmware date: 2117-11-21 17:20
Bus encryption flags: 17
Highest AACS version: 68

LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 1.00
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes
However, it has recently stopped mounting DVDs. Blu-Ray playback and ripping still works just fine, but when I place a DVD in the drive it spins up and down a couple of times, along with some clicking noises, and then... nothing. MakeMKV shows the drive as empty, as does the Thunar file system browser. I have tried this with weveral movie DVDs, as well as a data DVD, to no avail.

I was tempted to flash either the HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP60NB10-1.01-NM01801-211905031534.bin or the DE_LG_BP50NB40-NB50_1.01_MK_HBD.bin firmware, as a last ditch effort to get it reading DVDs again. Unfortunately, I suspect I actually have a hardware issue, but just in case it can be fixed I am trying to figure out the process for using sdftool on Linux. I no longer have any Windows boxes in the house, which somewhat complicates things.

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matt@superlappy: ~/uhdfw
[]$ sdftool -d /dev/sr0 help

MTK19xx firmware module v1.22


  dump [auto|full|user]
  Dumps firmware image
    dump full      - dumps full rom image (if not disabled in firmware)
    dump user      - dumps non-volatile user data
    dump auto      - dumps full image if possible, user data otherwise

  rawflash [<flag>,<flag=value>,...]
    Sends the image and flashing flags to drive
    for flashing in self-update mode
    main           - flashes main firmware (this is the default)
    full           - flashes boot loader and main firmware (Caution!!!)
    de             - sets DE byte in image
    enc            - encrypts firmware before sending to drive

[]$ sdftool --info -d /dev/sr0
SDF.bin version: 0x007E

Drive Tool SDF present

Drive Specific SDF present

[Drive Specific SDF] Embedded Info Strings:
8000:LibreDrive Information


8001:Drive platform

8002:Firmware type
8107:Patched (microcode access re-enabled)

8003:Firmware version

8005:DVD all regions

8006:BD raw data read

8007:BD raw metadata read

8009:Unrestricted read speed

[Drive Specific SDF] Embedded Status Message:
8099:Using LibreDrive mode (v%1 id=%2)

Identification SDF present

[Identification SDF] Embedded Info Strings:
8000:LibreDrive Information

8102:Possible, not yet enabled

8001:Drive platform

[Identification SDF] Drive autodetect string:
mtk:19:59:BUP3:HL-DT-ST:BD-RE BP60NB10  1.00:NM00200:-

matt@superlappy: ~/uhdfw
[]$ sdftool -d /dev/sr0 -i HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP60NB10-1.01-NM01801-211905031534.bin rawflash 

Reading input file HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP60NB10-1.01-NM01801-211905031534.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BP60NB10_1.00_211711211720_SIKYV48MN1857
DEBUG: Code 4280012805 at Mx=Q{%DdK23UWRSK}6/xi^l-6'?wWl*&:121264648

Command produced error code 0x8f1bd005
matt@superlappy: ~/uhdfw
[]$ sdftool -d /dev/sr0 -i HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP60NB10-1.01-NM01801-211905031534.bin rawflash full

Reading input file HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP60NB10-1.01-NM01801-211905031534.bin
Flashing flags = 0x1 : 0 0 0 1 : ---- ---- ---- BOOT
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BP60NB10_1.00_211711211720_SIKYV48MN1857
DEBUG: Code 4280012805 at Mx=Q{%DdK23UWRSK}6/xi^l-6'?wWl*&:121264648

Command produced error code 0x8f1bd005
So, this brings me to a couple questions:
1.) What is the proper command syntax for sdftool on Linux? I tried running the above commands as sudo with the same results.
2.) If I buy a new drive, is sdftool sufficient to unlock UHD ripping? I see the ASUS tool mentioned in this post: viewtopic.php?p=70766#p70766

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