Paprika: The volume key is unknown for this disc

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Paprika: The volume key is unknown for this disc

Post by parrotperil »

Code: Select all

Opening files on harddrive at G:
Evaluation version, 30 day(s) out of 30 remaining
Loaded content hash table, will verify integrity of M2TS files.
Saved AACS dump file as C:\Users\Parrotperil/.MakeMKV/MKB_v4_Paprika_E2A8.tgz
The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
DEBUG: Code 0 at :J[]=^l|ZM,.0)Sd:29396092
DEBUG: Code 0 at :J[]=^l|ZM,.0)Sd:29394850
Failed to open disc
I know it's unusual for non-UHD blu-rays to throw this error. Looking through keydb, it seems that the volume key is listed. I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the fact that makemkv is not detecting my blu-ray drive. It's a blu-ray/dvd drive taken from an old dell laptop and hooked up to my currect pc with a sata->usb cable. VLC will play blu-rays from the drive just fine, and windows detects it. I'm running it as admin, ransomware protection off, all that stuff but still no luck getting makemkv to recognize the drive. I successfully ripped a dvd with the same drive by manually selecting the file using MKV, the error above is what happens when I use makemkv to select MovieObject.bdmv on a blu ray disk.
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Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:24 am

Re: Paprika: The volume key is unknown for this disc

Post by parrotperil »

Fixed! In my case, the problem was the sata -> usb cable I was using. For whatever reason it was causing makemkv to not see the attached drive. Connecting the drive to my motherboard sata port and case power supply solved the problem.
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