Has anyone notice that there is a new 1.04 firmware available for the BU40N Slim model since 12/22/2020, and is it not the opportunity to make it become a LibreDrive one ?
I wonder how a 07.18.2020 dated modified firmware, the one that you talk about, can be the one that has been published the 12.20.2020 on the LG/Hitachi website.
That is the reason why I beckon to you about this firmware.
Has anyone notice that there is a new 1.04 firmware available for the BU40N Slim model since 12/22/2020, and is it not the opportunity to make it become a LibreDrive one ?
BU40N 1.04 has been around since about August 2020.
For UHD enabled drives (AU/NZ/SG + Others) & DIY Single Drive Flasher (WW): https://uhdenableddrives.com
Mike released the MK version on 7/20/2020. It would appear they started flashing it to production units & it appeared 'in the wild' long before it was published for download?
It's difficult to tell for certain (NO published FW changelogs), whether any of the FW releases over the last ~2+ years have addressed any specific bugs, or were just additional attempts to close the "friendly loophole"? I know where I'd place my wager...