New Archgon MD-8107S-UYC3-UHDB flashed and working well

Discussion of LibreDrive mode, compatible drives and firmwares
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New Archgon MD-8107S-UYC3-UHDB flashed and working well

Post by ElDuKe »

Just wanted to start by saying thanks to all the people that make the documentation and help users - Mike_Admin, Billycar11, MartyMcNuts and all the flashing guide contributors. Just thought I would post the process I went through to figure out what drive I had and what firmware to use to flash it.
Mods - please delete this work if you feel it will not help people or it is incorrect.

Like anyone purchasing hardware and then flashing it, its a little scary right!? :shock: I flash computer bioses in my job in IT support but the company pays for those PCs, when it was a drive I just purchased for £140 I wanted to be sure not to brick it. So I did a lot of reading...

Starting off, I downloaded the custom firmware for LibreDrives with Patches here ... 19&t=19113
and after looking through the files, I was thinking what specific drive type do I have?? :?
MakeMKV 3 - all the firmwares.PNG
MakeMKV 3 - all the firmwares.PNG (2.95 KiB) Viewed 4588 times
Looking in MakeMKV didnt make it clear, just said product name is: BD-RE BU40N

So I started skim reading the flashing guide 8) ... 16&t=19634

I got to the Unlocked Flashers, Downgrade Enabled Firmware and MK Firmware and being a Gui user I thought I would read New! GUI SDF tool flasher thread by MartyMcNuts.
The thread is here ... 16&t=22896 and the thing that stood out was the ability to Read and backup the currently installed Firmware.

So I ran the tool and selected my drive and I realised I could see the model version in the drive name.
MakeMKV 2 - BU40N model.PNG
MakeMKV 2 - BU40N model.PNG (996 Bytes) Viewed 4588 times
So the number on the end is the model I have 211910161032, so I searched the the patches folders with that as the string *211910161032* and I got one hit
MakeMKV 4 - specific drive model.PNG
MakeMKV 4 - specific drive model.PNG (3.78 KiB) Viewed 4588 times
So I pointed the SDFtool flasher to that file, flashed my drive succesfully and now see the following in the LibreDrive section.

LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 1.01
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes

Thank you all, now to go through and sort out my BluRay collection. My wife will be very happy once my collection is digitised and out of sight :wink:
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