MakeMKV 1.15.4 Update question

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MakeMKV 1.15.4 Update question

Post by d3crypti0n »

Hello everybody,

Today I updated MakeMKV from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 and checked the Revision History. Two of the new added features remained unclear for me, so I hope you can give me some clarification.

First the implementation of seamless joining of TrueHD streams with overlapping frames. Does this mean you couldn’t get TrueHD tracks before or is it just a new method to get these which is easier and faster than the one before ?

Second the recognition and conversion of double-track Dolby Vision MKV Files. I thought that 1.15.3 introduced DV Support so why is this listed on 1.15.4 or did i misunderstand something ?

Edit: This might be a good time to ask if you can rip your Blu Rays „safely“ with MakeMKV now or if you should wait until a later build? By that I wonder if later versions will be able to rip „more“ content (like Dolby Vision, TureHD, etc.) or if you can rip pretty much everything off a Blu Ray by now?

Thank you all for your help.
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Re: MakeMKV 1.15.4 Update question

Post by dcoke22 »

One could get TrueHD tracks before; this is a new method for dealing with seamless branching because seamless branching isn't quite as seamless as you'd like it to be.

As for Dolby Vision, you are correct that 1.15.3 introduced support for reading DV data on a UHD and storing it in a well known way in a MKV file. I believe the support added in 1.15.4 is for converting an existing MKV file with DV stored in one (older) way to the new way. Dolby Vision is a complicated thing.

MakeMKV is the best it has ever been. There's no better time than now to start the process of leaving physical discs behind. The current fancy stuff like DV and TrueHD can be ripped and stored in a MKV file. It will hopefully always get better in the future.
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