Android support for the Lib files?

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Android support for the Lib files?

Post by linuxares »


I got the most stupid idea, I got an Nvidia Shield TV Pro. It use USB3 so it should in theory without issues be able to playback Blu-rays.
I got an Libredrive since before, I use it to rip my blurays to be able to watch on Kodi.

But I used to have HTPC before with Windows and Xreveal before I replaced it with MakeMKV.
MakeMKV just makes it better for sure!

I wonder if it's possible the Lib files would be able to be used on Android? It's a Linux kernel in the bottom but not so sure how plausible it is in the OS after is said and done.
Anyone tried this odd endeavor before?
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Re: Android support for the Lib files?

Post by Woodstock »

Right now, MakeMKV doesn't run on ARM devices, so no, it won't work. But, that's "for now".
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