The following instructions are aimed at gathering information about a disc that can help in troubleshooting. (Personally, I save these dumps as reference with every disc I rip.)
In a working directory, create a batch file named "discinfo.bat" and edit it with a plain text editor such as Notepad.
Paste the following into the "discinfo.bat" batch file, changing the two instances of "d:" to the drive letter of your disc drive, and changing "c:\progra~2\makemkv\" to the location of your MakeMKV installation.
Code: Select all
for /f "tokens=1-5*" %%1 in ('vol d:') do ( set "volm=%%6" & goto done )
dir d: /s >"%volm%-disc.txt"
c:\progra~2\makemkv\makemkvcon -r info disc:0 >"%volm%-tree.txt"
The scan will create two text files in your working directory, the "-disc.txt" directory scan and the "-tree.txt" MakeMKV structure scan. Upload those files as attachments to your thread.