MKV rips sometimes show scenes out of order

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MKV rips sometimes show scenes out of order

#1 Post by tacocat » Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:54 pm

I ran into this issue about a month or so ago. I had ripped the Blu-ray of Insurgent sometime over summer, and MakeMKV said all was well. I went to watch it back in November, and one of the scenes had been moved to somewhere else in the movie, completely out of order. I assumed a bad rip, and re-ripped it again. I was using latest version at the time, and rip was successful. Went back to look at the movie and same exact scene was missing, and had been cut in later in the movie at the same spot as before. At this point I am thinking defective disc, but it played fine in the player.

I pull up DVD Fab and rip it without issue, and the resulting file plays fine without the scene being mixed up. I think ok, all is well. No more issues, just a random weirdness with one disc.

Fast forward to Thursday night. I was exhausted, didn't feel like getting up to pull out my John Wick 4k disc, so I decided to play the 1080p Blu ray rip instead. First 10-15 minutes of the movie are fine, then once he gets the dog, scenes start getting jumbled up. One second he is at the gas station talking to the weird dude wanting to buy his car, next second he is back at his house crying with the dog in the kennel. This Blu-ray I ripped back on 28 Feb 2020. I was using the current version at the time, and have yet to attempt re-ripping it again. I do still have the mkv, and can send to devs if needed for any troubleshooting (not sure how to upload a 29GB mkv though). I can also try re-ripping the Blu-ray tomorrow and send in logs if it does the same thing again. My fear now is how many of my movies are like this? I've been ripping movies like mad all year with MakeMKV (also paid for lifetime membership), and am not so sure now that they are successful rips. I have ripped somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500 movies this year (my credit card hates me and ebay right now) so there is no way I can sit and watch each one after a rip to make sure it was done successfully. I was trusting the software to make sure it was correct.

For MakeMKV, my settings are pretty much all defaults, with the exception of where I want the movies dumped to. I am currently on 1.15.3 x64. I use a WH16NS60 as my ripping device.

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Re: MKV rips sometimes show scenes out of order

#2 Post by Woodstock » Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:36 pm

Search for "lionsgate" here.

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Re: MKV rips sometimes show scenes out of order

#3 Post by tacocat » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:39 pm

Thank you Woodstock. I had no idea about the issues with Lionsgate and obfuscation. I guess I'll need to just narrow down which movies I have ripped that are Lionsgate and re-rip them choosing the proper title.
Thanks again!

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Re: MKV rips sometimes show scenes out of order

#4 Post by Woodstock » Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:34 am

With bluray, MakeMKV can make guesses at the correct playlist (not 100% accurate!). DVDs have fewer choices for the right file. Normally you can narrow it down to a couple, just by the run time, but...

I avoid buying anything from Lionsgate.

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