Das Boot Directors Cut Blu Ray and Subtitles

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Das Boot Directors Cut Blu Ray and Subtitles

Post by docsuess84 »

I'm about ready to pull my hair out on ripping this movie correctly. I'm only interested in the German DTS MA language track which works fine, but no matter which English subtitle stream ( I think there's 4 to choose from) I check including the forced boxes, it ends up being descriptive where it lists the speaker, as well as sound effects. I can't tell if it's a stream problem or Kodi settings problem. Has anyone successfully ripped this movie and if so, what do I do?
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Re: Das Boot Directors Cut Blu Ray and Subtitles

Post by Woodstock »

My experience with Kodi is that it does too many things I don't like when presented with a lot of choices, so I have to manually clean up those choices beforehand. It your description would indicate to me that it is playing back the "closed caption" titles, which are part of the video track, not a separate subtitle track.

I suggest ripping the ALL audio and subtitle tracks, then using something like VLC to let you check each one for the "proper" content. Then you can use mkvmerge from mkvtoolnix to copy JUST the tracks you want to a new file, and make sure that the preferred tracks are FIRST (have the lowest track number of their type), so that Kodi won't be able to screw up the selection.

As for the "forced" subtitle tracks, those are usually empty and removed. The real forced subtitles will be in a separate track. This is where the playback in VLC helps - that track is not necessarily the first one.
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Re: Das Boot Directors Cut Blu Ray and Subtitles

Post by Hey_Its_me »

Woodstock wrote:
Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:27 pm
My experience with Kodi is that it does too many things I don't like when presented with a lot of choices, so I have to manually clean up those choices beforehand. It your description would indicate to me that it is playing back the "closed caption" titles, which are part of the video track, not a separate subtitle track.

I suggest ripping the ALL audio and subtitle tracks, then using something like VLC to let you check each one for the "proper" content. Then you can use mkvmerge from mkvtoolnix to copy JUST the tracks you want to a new file, and make sure that the preferred tracks are FIRST (have the lowest track number of their type), so that Kodi won't be able to screw up the selection.

As for the "forced" subtitle tracks, those are usually empty and removed. The real forced subtitles will be in a separate track. This is where the playback in VLC helps - that track is not necessarily the first one.
This is a very good suggestion and one I would not have thought to do.

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