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Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitles?
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:53 am
by Kudikai
I watched the movie in the theater twice, but my memory sometimes fails me. I could've sworn that the ship scene at about 7.5 minutes into the movie has subtitles for the French hijacker pieces. I can't seem to get those forced subtitles ripped. I selected all 4 of the English (Forced) options, but not the primary English options, for subtitles and still don't see a subtitle track option in VLC.
Am I just wrong about the subtitles, or has someone else experienced this?
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 12:19 pm
by Romansh
Try ripping all non-forced tracks, it can be one of those too.
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:40 pm
by Kudikai
You were correct. The third English subtitle track (not forced) was actually the forced subtitles.
Thanks for the help!
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:11 am
by Warrzone
As you found out, there are three ways forced subtitles can be presented on Blu-ray discs (but only two that you have to worry about). The first is separate, like you encountered, where the forced subtitles have a main track spot. The second is contained like in Captain Phillips where the forced subtitles are "contained" under a main track (Sony likes the contained format, but not only Sony because The Grand Budapest Hotel has them too which is Fox). The third is hardcoded where the forced subtitles are burned into the video, so you do not need to make a selection.
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:36 am
by Chetwood
There's more. Sometimes they are marked as forced as sometimes not.
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:32 am
by Warrzone
Chetwood wrote:There's more. Sometimes they are marked as forced as sometimes not.
There aren't any more variances. The contained ones will be marked as forced (MakeMKV flags them as default "d" and I change the flag to "f". There might be some way to fix this in the options, but there aren't that many to worry about). The separate ones will not be marked.
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:54 am
by Chetwood
There are. If there's a separate track, the items inside can be flagged as forced or not.
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:28 am
by KaldrinX
I'm sorry for the thread necro on this one, but I cannot get the subtitles to work on this one. I tried all three tracks both forced and unforced and nothing. I just bought the BR a few weeks back. Is it possible they changed the encoding so you couldn't use mkv and other programs on it?
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:48 pm
by Woodstock
Anything is possible. When you open the disk, what is shown for subtitles when you expand the movie title (click on the triangle next to the title in the left pane of the menu)?
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:31 pm
by KaldrinX
I see the first selection for English, then French, Spanish, English again, French again, Spanish again, then English one more time followed by French and Spanish again.
So it goes:
English forced
French forced
Spanish forced
English forced
French forced
Spanish forced
English forced
French forced
Spanish forced
I've tried with all three of them checked on both the main and forced, one at a time just with the top, all three top levels, all with only 'forced' checked and forced one at a time. Pretty much every combo you could think of. Yeah, it was a slow Saturday afternoon.
Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - No Forced Subtitle
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:42 am
by Woodstock
The "Forced" checkbox is there whenever dealing with subtitles... Checking it doesn't guarantee there are really forced subtitles within that track
The second set of English/French/Spanish subtitles may be for a commentary audio track.