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Bluray Cleopatra 50th Anniversary

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:53 pm
by AliceWonder
Fedora 20, yes I followed the Fedora instruction and have MakeMKV working.

Disc 1 works swell.
Disc 2 produced a .mkv that does not play, nor is a thumbnail grabbed for it.

Using mkvextract I can extract the video and audio streams and do whatever transcoding I want, so I'm not negatively impacted, but it seems that the mkv container created for that disc gives GStreamer problems (haven't tried in anything else).

Looking at the file in gnome file manager, it reports a duration of 0.

Could be a bug in GStreamer that this particular disc triggers or could be a bug in the creation of the mkv container, I don't know which.
I ripped twice to see if second rip would make a difference and it did not.

Again no urgency for me, the h.264 stream and audio stream are there and are good.

Disc 1 works fine. Non-movie titles on second disc also work swell, just the main title doesn't.