"Desk Set" No FUT's Error...
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:48 pm
What does no FUT's mean and how does this get fixed? Thanks...
That means that the BD+ code on the disk was not decoded by MakeMKV. The file created should be sent to svq@makemkv.com for analysis, so that a disk-specific SVQ file can be created. If the file is too big to email, you can upload it to somewhere that Mike can access (like a "drop box" service), and a link sent to him at the above email address.003332:0000 Saved BD+ dump file as /Users/xxx/.MakeMKV/dump_Desk_Set_4C0A51BD1D6AA41C.tgz
003327:0404 BD+ code processed but no FUTs were obtained, errors may follow