Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:16 pm
well i am sure this has been asked before, but here goes. when making a mkv that has TrueHD or some form of DTS, sometimes that track is thrown out when the mkv is processed thru txmuxer. why does this happen? for example, when the bluray is analyzed it will have a line item for TRUEHD and then in the subline it will have ENG 3+2 or something like that. i keep them both checked because i know if i uncheck the non truehd it will still kick out the TRUEHD track and there will be no sound from the mkv at all. so when they both are checked all i get is D 2.0 (AC3). MultiAcvhd is useless. txmuxer is the only thing that works although i would also like to know how to extract multiple mkv files to a bluray and get to the other titles other than the first one too. thank you in advance.