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Failed to rip Morning Glory

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:13 pm
by attfuzz
Several errors, will only post a few:

The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 541360128, attempting to work around
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 541360128, attempting to work around
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 541366272, attempting to work around
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 541366272, attempting to work around

Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' at offset '551743488'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' at offset '551743488'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' at offset '551743488'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' at offset '551743488'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' at offset '551940096'

The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 541396992, attempting to work around
AV sync issue in stream 3 at 0:11:14.190 with duration of 32ms : broken timecode, apparent audio skew is -3488ms
AV sync issue in stream 3 at 0:11:14.254 with duration of 14.041ms : short audio gap was removed, audio skew is -14.041ms
Failed to save title 0 to file /media/Movie Disk 7/My Movies 7/Morning Glory/Morning_Glory_t00.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed

If more info is needed, lemme know, thanks.

Re: Failed to rip Morning Glory

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:30 pm
by Woodstock
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' at offset '551743488'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00007.m2ts' at offset '551940096'
Your drive cannot read the disk, and MakeMKV cannot work around that.

Most likely causes are a dirty, damaged, or improperly mastered disk, followed by a drive problem.