Trouble just seeing Blu-ray Godzilla Minus One disc

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Trouble just seeing Blu-ray Godzilla Minus One disc

Post by 5tephenDD »

I have an older ASUS BW-12B1ST Bluray reader that has ripped 100's of my discs. I recently purchased a bluray of Godzilla Minus One, peeled the cellophane off and inserted it in the drive (after inspecting the surface for flaws & dust etc) and watched makemkv attempt to load it.... the drive just spun, and did not recognize the disc. That's a first!
I unloaded the disc, rebooted and tried again... this time I left it running (went to dinner) and when I returned, the drive was spooled up to max speed! Makemkv would not eject it because it didn't even see the disc. I had to reboot to get the disc out!
Has anyone seen this behavior?
Is my drive on the way to vacationland?
Is it time to upgrade to a 4K reader?
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Re: Trouble just seeing Blu-ray Godzilla Minus One disc

Post by dcoke22 »

Sometimes brand new discs can have an almost invisible film on them, perhaps left over from the manufacturing process, that makes things hard for optical drives. I would gently clean the disc and try again.

Personally, I use plenty of warm water and liquid dish soap to clean discs like this.
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