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New to Blu-Ray ripping and need help

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:08 am
by KingGojira1954
Hello everyone. Just got registered on here as I'm new to ripping my Blu-rays using MakeMKV. I own an LG BP50NB40 Bu-ray drive and it has been working pretty decently for me as I have been trying to digitize my Dragon Ball Blu-ray collection. However, I am running into an issue where some of my Discs are not reading in my drive. I thought that it was my discs but it seems that they read just fine in my PS5 with normal playback. I read on here that some drives have issues with some discs and I'm thinking that this might be my issue. Is there anyone that can recommend some good external Blu-ray drives for me? I read that Pioneer drives are pretty good? Honestly not sure what route to go but would like to continue my journey as I've made it a good ways through my collection. For reference I am based in the US (Since I would assume that some drives are region based and whatnot)


Re: New to Blu-Ray ripping and need help

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:35 am
by dcoke22
Pioneer drives are considered the best these days. Your best bet to get one with firmware that supports LibreDrive is to buy from a seller in your region.

In the USA, that's Billycar11.