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Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 9:36 pm
by Locksmith
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place...

People here seem extremely knowledgeable and I was hoping someone might know.

I was sorting my Blu-ray collection and noticed that I had 3 different copies of Star Trek X (The reboot staring Chris Pine).

Originally I thought I must have stupidly purchased 3 copies but when I put the discs into my Blu-ray I noticed they loaded up different with different trailers...!

Trying to figure out what was the difference I put them into my PC to view the disc and they were all different sizes!! lol

After digging around I understand that there are multiple versions due to rental, region, different cuts (studio being greedy)... etc...

Is there any way to determine what version/release of the Blu-ray you have either by disc size or by some CRC or something to scan the disc?

Thank you in advance for helping...! :)

Re: Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 10:42 pm
by dcoke22 has a bunch of editions listed for Star Trek (2009).

Re: Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:34 pm
by Locksmith
Thanks for the quick reply! :D

Back when iTunes first came out, if you placed a CD into your computer, iTunes would be able to recognize the disc and tell you the name of the album and even if it was the UK or International version, ..etc..

I was wondering if there was anything like that for Blu-rays...

Anything to identity the disc like, Rental release, UK release, USA release, Target store exclusive, BestBuy,...etc...

Re: Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:17 pm
by dcoke22
I'm not aware of anything like that. iTunes could do that because audio CDs don't have any DRM and the train wreck that is the DMCA doesn't 'protect' them. DVDs, Blu-rays, & UHDs all have DRM.