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How to find the correct movie version / title

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:43 am
by mgutt
This is a little guide on how to select the correct movie version.

Find your video language

Some movies have different local names and those are used in intro logos. Especially animation movies contain video scenes with translated signs, letters, etc. depending on the selected language. Because of that a movie like "Onward" has 4 different versions on the EU Blu-Ray and if you compare the "Segment map" you'll see the different clip numbers which contain those localized scenes:
2022-04-09 11_17_18-2.png
2022-04-09 11_17_18-2.png (104.53 KiB) Viewed 15798 times
As you can see in both titles the very first number is "901", while the second number differs. Those numbers are the names of the clips of which consist the different movie versions.

We remember those numbers which differ:

Code: Select all

Then we "Close" the disc through the menu and create an encrypted backup:
2022-04-09 11_18_55-2.png
2022-04-09 11_18_55-2.png (52.55 KiB) Viewed 15798 times
While the backup is running we check the backup subfolder /BDMV/STREAM and open the different clips like "01437.m2ts" with VLC and try to find the difference in the scene. In this case "1437" is the German version of the movie which I need:
2022-04-09 11_27_39-2.png
2022-04-09 11_27_39-2.png (222.57 KiB) Viewed 15798 times
We can now stop the backup, delete the backup files and re-open the disc and rip the video title we need.

Note: Some people prefer to create a full backup and use File > Open > /BDMV/index.bdmv to open the backup to rip the preferred title from the backup. This works, too, but needs more time.

@MakeMKV devs
Take a look at my feature request to enhance this process.

Re: How to select the correct movie version / title

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:44 am
by mgutt
Japanese fake title

Some Blu-Rays seem to contain two different movie versions, but the second one is only a fake title as it contains only "Japanese" and "English" audio tracks:
2022-04-10 13_59_24.png
2022-04-10 13_59_24.png (24.36 KiB) Viewed 15790 times
While the "real" title contains several more languages (which are listed on the cover):
2022-04-10 14_01_43.png
2022-04-10 14_01_43.png (22.13 KiB) Viewed 15790 times

Re: How to select the correct movie version / title

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:45 am
by mgutt
Playlist Obfuscation

Some movies have a huge amount of titles and each has a different order in the "segment maps" which makes it impossible to find the correct version through the backup method described in the first post.

In such cases it helps to install the portable version of Java 8: ... 0Portable/

Then select "java.exe" through Preferences > Protection > Custom Java executable location
2022-04-10 14_18_30.png
2022-04-10 14_18_30.png (8.02 KiB) Viewed 15786 times
Now MakeMKV automatically marks the correct title with "FP_MainFeature":
2022-04-10 14_19_11.png
2022-04-10 14_19_11.png (105.5 KiB) Viewed 15786 times
But sometimes this does not work. Then you could use the PowerDVD method described here, but I prefer buying DVDFab Player as after starting the movie through the Blu-Ray menu it shows the mpls number in the playlist:
2020-01-09 22_44_45.png
2020-01-09 22_44_45.png (1.02 MiB) Viewed 15786 times
By that you only need to find the title which has "00767.mpls" as the "Source file name".

Re: How to select the correct movie version / title

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:46 am
by mgutt