Blu-ray player not able to play discs

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Blu-ray player not able to play discs

Post by Karizmology »

Hello. This typically isn't a question you'd get in here I don't think, but I'm having issues with playing my physical blu-ray discs in VLC (video player).

The error I get when I put in any blu-ray is " AACS Host Certificate Revoked and VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///E:/'. Check the log for details. " I literally bought like 100 blu-rays and now I can't watch them lol. My blu-ray drive isn't on the latest version. Do older versions prevent you from being able to play discs normally? It is a USB blu-ray drive that I use for my computer.

I don't know what to do about the AACS certificate. I followed an article that made me download some keys and some other download, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference.
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Re: Blu-ray player not able to play discs

Post by Woodstock »

It's your player software that has to present a non-revoked key to the player, which it will then use to decode the content. This is actually separate from the disk-specific keys you typically can download.

MakeMKV would have to have a new version issued when its keys were revoked, until it became possible to tell drives to completely ignore revocation lists with LibreDrive.
MakeMKV Frequently Asked Questions
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
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