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Prison Break

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:36 pm
by mgutt
Again a little challenge. The german Blu-Rays of Prison Break Season 1. All discs contain the same tracks multiple times. Sadly MakeMKV does not display the differences.

Here are all tracks of Disc 3 (an easier one):
Name der Quelldatei: 00000.mpls
Länge: 0:44:01
Anzahl der Kapitel: 12
Size: 9.6 GB
Segmentanzahl: 1
Segmentkarte: 6
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_00.mkv
Name der Quelldatei: 00001.mpls
Länge: 0:43:59
Anzahl der Kapitel: 12
Size: 9.6 GB
Segmentanzahl: 1
Segmentkarte: 12
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_01.mkv
Name der Quelldatei: 00002.mpls
Länge: 0:43:45
Anzahl der Kapitel: 12
Size: 9.6 GB
Segmentanzahl: 1
Segmentkarte: 13
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_02.mkv
Name der Quelldatei: 00022.mpls
Länge: 0:43:16
Anzahl der Kapitel: 12
Size: 9.6 GB
Segmentanzahl: 1
Segmentkarte: 15
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_03.mkv
Name der Quelldatei: 00026.mpls
Länge: 0:43:16
Anzahl der Kapitel: 12
Size: 9.6 GB
Segmentanzahl: 1
Segmentkarte: 15
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_04.mkv
Name der Quelldatei: 00030.mpls
Länge: 0:43:16
Anzahl der Kapitel: 12
Size: 9.6 GB
Segmentanzahl: 1
Segmentkarte: 15
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_05.mkv
Name der Quelldatei: 00034.mpls
Länge: 0:43:16
Anzahl der Kapitel: 12
Size: 9.6 GB
Segmentanzahl: 1
Segmentkarte: 15
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_06.mkv
As you can see title 00, 01 and 02 are unique. They won't be a problem (I'll check the episode order later). But title 03, 04, 05 and 06 are a problem as they use all the same segment card "15" (00015.mpls). So let's check why MakeMKV detected them as different titles.

At first I decided to create MKV files of all titles. After that I used "HashCheck" to compare the checksums. Three files have the same filesize, but they are not identical regarding their file content:
2019-10-27 21_34_36.jpg
2019-10-27 21_34_36.jpg (90.46 KiB) Viewed 11092 times

Re: Prison Break

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:44 pm
by mgutt
The next step is to extract all the audio, subtitle, video tracks of those identical looking mkv files through gMKVExtractGUI:
2019-10-27 21_39_15.jpg
2019-10-27 21_39_15.jpg (78.02 KiB) Viewed 11089 times
2019-10-27 21_43_37.jpg
2019-10-27 21_43_37.jpg (161.82 KiB) Viewed 11089 times

Re: Prison Break

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:56 pm
by mgutt
Now we need to compare every track of each mkv file to find the differences. The good: Every mkv file contains the same video and audio tracks. The only track that contains differences in very mkv file was *chapters.xml:
2019-10-27 21_55_41.jpg
2019-10-27 21_55_41.jpg (113.35 KiB) Viewed 11089 times
For me this is like a little "bug" in MakeMKV. MakeMKV should ignore tracks with such small differences.

Re: Prison Break

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:07 pm
by mgutt
But the final mkv file was really different than the others, because it contains one additional german subtitle track:
2019-10-27 21_59_17.jpg
2019-10-27 21_59_17.jpg (81.17 KiB) Viewed 11087 times
So back to MakeMKV GUI I re-checked the title contents and now I saw the difference. The very last subtitle of each title uses a different language:
2019-10-27 22_02_26.jpg
2019-10-27 22_02_26.jpg (86.02 KiB) Viewed 11087 times
Only the last title contains German as I need it.

I looks again like a bug for me as all these titles could be displayed as one title with multiple subtitle languages.

Re: Prison Break

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:32 pm
by Grauhaar
Jesus, so many screen shots ....

Different paylists can point to the same stream element(s). Each playlist can list different audio and/or subtitle tracks. MakeMKV does not "merge" different paylists into one MakeMKV title view, it uses always a single paylist = single title view. Okay, this "can be" a feature, but this is not a bug. But merging is a complex thing, because all the stream elemets of the different paylists must be the same and in the same order, and maybe other for us unkown things must be take into consideration to complete this step.

Re: Prison Break

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:43 pm
by ryptixx
can someone please help me with this series. ive got the same problem.

there are multiple times the same files. for example first disc there must be 4 episodes but i only get three different episodes.

how can i solve this problem on an easy way ?

with other series, like breaking bad, i didnt had this problem.