Game of Thrones Seas 3 Disc 3, 2 of 3 eps do not back up.
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:09 am
Game of Thrones Season 3, Disc 3, English, Blu ray release
This disc contains episodes 5, 6 and 7. When attempting to back up the entire disc, for no known reason, Make Mkv(ver 1.10.4 Beta) backs up everything on the disc except episodes 6 and 7. Episode 5 and all the extras are backed up. As a matter of fact, episode 5 backed up twice with the following title(?)names:
Game_Of_Thrones_Season_3_Disc_3_t01 mkv
Game_Of_Thrones_Season_3_Disc_3_t06 mkv
I backed up the disc to my local hdd and did a 2nd backup to a 2nd hdd, on my pc, with plenty of space
on both with the same results.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance
This disc contains episodes 5, 6 and 7. When attempting to back up the entire disc, for no known reason, Make Mkv(ver 1.10.4 Beta) backs up everything on the disc except episodes 6 and 7. Episode 5 and all the extras are backed up. As a matter of fact, episode 5 backed up twice with the following title(?)names:
Game_Of_Thrones_Season_3_Disc_3_t01 mkv
Game_Of_Thrones_Season_3_Disc_3_t06 mkv
I backed up the disc to my local hdd and did a 2nd backup to a 2nd hdd, on my pc, with plenty of space
on both with the same results.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance