Blu-Ray disc + MakeMKV (libmmbd.dylib) + Kodi 15.0 :-(

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Blu-Ray disc + MakeMKV (libmmbd.dylib) + Kodi 15.0 :-(

Post by dgktkr » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:57 pm

This is shaping up to be a problem that will be hard to track down.

For some discs, using MakeMKV (paid for and registered, BTW) to play a Blu-Ray disc on Kodi 15.0 produces broken video on my display (

Some discs don't exhibit the problem (Alien and Avatar, for instance), but others do (The Homesman, The Fifth Element, for instance).

I would be inclined to believe the problem is all due to Kodi if it weren't for one observation: playing discs shows the problem, playing from ripped mkv files doesn't.

So I guess here is my question for MakeMKV folks: what could possibly trip up Kodi when playing a Blu-Ray disc (libmmbd.dylib) but not when playing a ripped mkv file from that disc?


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