Not applicable to read single episodes for Homeland Season 3

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Not applicable to read single episodes for Homeland Season 3

Post by Ben182 » Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:49 am


this is my first post, so first of all thanks for a very useful program.

I'm having problems with the German Homeland Season 3 BluRay. Like the subject already mentions, the problem is that MakeMKV is not able to read single episodes for that show.
I was able to read one 'consolidated' file for all 3 episodes though. I just checked (using other software) if the information really isn't available on the disc set to read single episodes, but it was obviously available.

I'm running latest version of MakeMKV (on latest MacOS and Windows8.1).

Is there anything one can do about it?

Anyway greetings from Germany.


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Re: Not applicable to read single episodes for Homeland Seas

Post by Woodstock » Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:39 pm

Not all disks will have a separate "file" for each episode. The episodes are recorded as menu entries that jump to the appropriate chapter within the larger file.

For me, everything goes through handbrake (available at before going on to a media server. So, when I encounter disks such as this one, I tell handbrake to break the larger MKV file up into smaller ones, each containing the chapters for that episode.

For example, the anime series "Bleach" has 5 to 7 episodes per file, each 5 chapters long. I have handbrake put the first 5 chapters into one file, the next 5 into a second file, and so on for each disk.

There are other tools that will do this without having to re-encode the video. You can search for mkvtoolnix, which can copy parts of an MKV file to another file, based on chapter boundaries.

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