Isle of Dogs and Wreck-It Ralph - Jumping and Out of Sync

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Isle of Dogs and Wreck-It Ralph - Jumping and Out of Sync

Post by Lstewart2525 » Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:28 pm

My copies of Wreck-It Ralph and Isle of Dogs, both animated movies, "jump" every few seconds and the audio is out of sync. Weird, since all my other copies of other movies do not exhibit this behavior. Anyone else experience this and possibly have a cure?

My Process:
1. I use MakeMKV to produce unencrypted BDMV and Certificate files
2. I use BD Rebuilder to put those files back together
3. Then I use Imgburn to create one unencrypted Blu-ray disc that will play in my Blu-ray player.

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