'video can't be decrypted' error for disc ripped before

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'video can't be decrypted' error for disc ripped before

Post by rachel » Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:05 pm

This is Star Trek 2009 label STARTREK11D1EU protection AACS v14.

MakeMKV is giving me this:

Code: Select all

MakeMKV v1.5.6 beta linux(x64-release) started
Using direct disc access mode
This disc uses newer version of AACS protection. Please let us know about it by visiting http://www.makemkv.com/a/?AgIC...
The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
Failed to open disc
The thing is, I've ripped this disc before, successfully, with the same version of makemkv. (But I didn't keep the raw rip, and now want to re-transcode with different settings.) And in fact just now I started a rip, having trimmed out titles and tracks I didn't want, then changed my mind to make a different selection of titles and tracks, so aborted and tried again... but now it's saying it can't do it.

What's going on?

Have tried quitting/restarting app several times and ejecting/re-inserting disc.

I have a feeling it won't now rip anything... let's see if that feeling's correct...

No, apparently, putting Ratatouille back in, restarting makemkv, getting as far as the title selection, then putting star trek back in, makes it all work again. That's weird. Something, possibly about the fact I'd aborted the actual rip earlier, presumably put MakeMKV into a funny state wrt that disc until it had happily dealt with another one.

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